Company Profile

Young and fresh trees growing beside old big trees…
Welcome to the Homepage of SieITMCi!
SieITMCi Siebenhofer.Consulting e.U. as a company is quite young and started its market activities in 2010. Nevertheless this young enterprise brings to the market the experience in Software Development, Hardware Development, Project Management, Quality Management as well as the experience in managing companies und do management consulting and training based on 35 years international work done worldwide for a global acting company.
International Management Experience
Why you can rely on international experience at SieITMCi:

Shanghai, CHINA, 9/2005
The international management experience of SieITMCi is based on the setup of R&D locations for a multinational company in Eastern Europe, the management of international big projects in Africa, USA, Asia and especially the setup and management of companies in China from 2003 until 2010 as CEO. Beside that experiences also the longtime experience in acting as manager of international research projects in European Union IST program projects is a value add of SieITMCi. The founder also is a teacher at the University in Klagenfurt for "Effective Management and Team Leading" and has served many years as trainer for the development of top management talents for an international company and was for years also chairman of the Human Resource Forum of the European Chamber in Nanjing, China.
Distributed Knowledge in Networks
The future's way of working is done by intelligent network linked small companies

Nanjing 2007, Cooperation with Nanjing University
SieITMCi is a small enterprise, and its value add is not a big number of employees but many partners in networks. The future's way of working is intelligent and international "Networking". Behind SieITMCi there is an international network of experienced partners in networks coming from Economy, Industry, Research and Universities from various domains.
Our Portfolio: Experience, Know-How and Networks
We from SieITMCi don't offer you products in "boxes", but experience, know-how and networks of experts you can rely on when implementing your requirements and solutions.
It's all about Experience@Innovation.
Our strength is the combination of technical know-how, technical experience and management experience from our work for decades in an international and multicultural environment.
With the informations on this our website we want to give you a comprehensive and interesting overview of our portfolio and services, intentionally supported by many pictures from working experiences with customers.
A warm welcome!

For any further detailled questions and requests please feel free to contact us.
Tag Cloud
Analysis CMMI China China Consulting Consulting Customer Embedded Engineering Consulting Experience Export Center Friends Germany IPR IT Informatics Innovation Know-how Management Management Consulting Mentoring Network Organisation P-CMM Partner Project Management Requirements-Modeller SieITMCi Software Software Development Success Training University Vester WKO Workshops coopPSE holistic intercultural overview
Last Update / Change 07.08.2011